4 Comprehensive Live Online Sessions
2 Hour Individualized Coaching by World Class Coach
Intensive Pitch Lab With Professional Critique
Follow Up


Successful companies have learned, we are only as good as our story. One that clearly tells those we need to reach who we are, but more important, why they should listen and care.

Communication drives everything we do, whether it’s the story we tell ourselves as we develop our idea or the story we tell markets, investors, partners, or anyone else we need or may need us.

But it’s is more than just about a pitch or or a bullet-bedecked deck. It is about the art-and-science of persuasion and influence. Why people listen. How they make decisions. Identifying the right audiences, the right content and flow, and the strategy to reach them. With a story that is clear and simple. One that differentiates us from the rest of the noise. That awes. That is memorable. That drives stakeholders to action.

  1. The Power of Story and Strategies: Moving Audiences to Action
  2. Structure, Flow, and Construction of Your Core Story. Adapting It for Any Audience
  3. Supporting Your Story with Visuals: The Art. Science. Psychology. Process
  4. Delivering Your Message with Unflappable Confidence
  5. Individualized One-on-One Mentoring-Coaching-Consult
  6. Pitch Lab
  7. Post-Class Follow-Up One-on-One
chuck goldstone core story model

The most valuable business workshop I have ever attended.

Deborah Bradley

CEO, Boston SEO Geeks

I kick myself for not doing this sooner.

Larry Grumer

Founder, Energy Harvesters LLC

You’ll Leave With:

    • A short-term and long-term Strategic Communication Plan
    • A vetted, reviewed, simplified Core Story and the tool to adapt it for nearly any audience
    • A foundation for your branding and consistent, relevant look-and-feel for your venture
    • At least one fully fleshed out presentation with accompany deck or materials
    • A descriptive, focused, non-technical, non-vague, non-hackneyed tag line and one-line descriptor
    • Over 50 Best Practices used by the most successful emerging and established ventures
    • A network of peer and professional support
    • Follow-up materials
    • Access to resources, experts, colleagues through Chuck’s Global Entrepreneurial Roundtable
    • On-going support, gentle encouragement, and tough love.

For more Information. Application. Curriculum. Pricing. Free Introductory Chat
Provide contact information so we can set up a free session to answer questions

If Chuck can boast a superpower, it is an ability to listen and translate complexity into conversational simplicity.

Helping you hone your strategy. Seeing if your idea is the right one or if a better one is sitting just beyond it. Identifying who you need to reach and how to reach them. Fueling your vision. Igniting new ideas.

Helping you craft a clear and memorable story. Articulating your vision. Transforming detail and technical clatter into simple ah-ha! explanations and turning jargon into poetic narrative. The right story for each audience. The right medium. To capture attention. To engage. Be the one remembered. Funded. Hired. Admired.

Through a single mentoring session or long-or-short term consulting engagement, we work by your side, as a guide, mentor, ombudsman, designer, translator, efficiency-finder, analyst, docent, sage, angst-reliever, advisor, concierge, confidant, pundit, repairman, cheerleader, gentle critic, fixer-upper—-to focus your thinking and elevate business plan, the impressiveness of your image, and the un-ignorable impact of your message.

For more Information. Application. Curriculum. Pricing. Free Introductory Chat
Provide contact information so we can set up a free session to answer questions

Connection. Collaboration. Serendipity.

Expanding our line-of-sight through others.

A safe place to talk, explore, and support.

Learning from peers and experts.

Offering our insights and solutions to others.

Roundtable Wednesdays
Wednesday at 1:00 ET (GMT-4). The results of our roundtables have been extraordinary—shared ideas, exploration of key topics, dozens and dozens of serious collaborations, and even more connections, referrals, and one-to-one follow ups. We cerebrate our victories and share our challenges in an open, supportive environment, offer solutions to others, and get insights and suggestions from those who’ve been there before. Sub-groups with specific interests focus on very unique topics. Lighten the load with the support of thought-leaders and peers from across the globe.

Get Started

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